SimpleChaintransaction refers to the transfer of certain assets from an external account to an account, Or send a message to a smart contract.

in SimpleChainnetwork, transaction execution belongs to a transaction. It has the characteristics of atomicity, consistency, isolation and persistence. `

  • atom: Is the indivisible minimum execution unit, either do it or not do it.
  • same: the execution of the same transaction must change the Simplechain account book from one consistency state to another.
  • isolate: The transaction will not be disturbed by other transactions during execution.
  • lasting: once the transaction is submitted, the change to Simplechain account book is permanent. Subsequent operations will not affect it.

Because it is a transaction type, we need to ensure that the transaction meets some design requirements before executing the transaction.

  • The transaction must be unique and can distinguish different transactions and the same transaction cannot be submitted to the Ledger repeatedly.
  • The transaction content must not be changed, the transactions received by each node must be consistent, and the change of account book status during transaction execution is also consistent.
  • Transactions must be legally signed. Only transactions with correct signatures can be executed.
  • Transactions cannot occupy too many system resources and affect the execution of other transactions.

The design requirements for transactions involve all aspects of the software system, but the most basic part is the transaction data itself.

Transaction data structure

The following figure is SimpleChaintransaction data structure is divided into four parts according to the purpose.


The beginning is a number of uint64 type, which is called a random number. Used to cancel transactions, prevent double flowers and modify SimpleChain Nonce value of the account (account data structure).

The second part is about the setting of transaction execution restrictions, gas for willing to offerSimpleChainmaximum fuel limit for virtual machine operation.

gasPrice is the unit price of fuel that is willing to pay. gasPrcie * gas it is the highest handling fee that is willing to pay for this transaction.

The third part is the input of transaction sender SimpleChain the initial information for the virtual machine To execute this transaction: the virtual machine operation object (recipient), the asset (Value) transferred from the transaction sender To the operation object, and the virtual machine runtime input. When To is empty, it means that the virtual machine has no operation object. In this case, the virtual machine will use the input content to deploy a new contract.

The fourth part is the signature result of the transaction sender. You can use the transaction content and signature result to deduce the signer, that is, the address of the transaction sender. The combination of four parts solves the problem of transaction security, realizes the interactive mode of intelligent contracts and provides flexible and adjustable transaction handling fees.

Transaction object definition

Specific to the code, SimpleChain defines a transaction object as an externally accessibleTransation objects and embedded objects that are invisible to external packagestxdata .

Lowercase txdata It is the feature of Go language. The initial letter is lowercase, which is equivalent to that in other programming languages. private Modifier, indicating that the data structure is invisible to external packets. The same lowercase object field (such as hash in Transaction) also indicates that the external package cannot access this field. Otherwise, the definition of uppercase type, field, method, etc. is regarded public .

// core/types/transaction.go:38
type Transaction struct {
    data txdata
    // caches
    hash atomic.Value
    size atomic.Value
    from atomic.Value

type txdata struct {
    AccountNonce uint64     
    Price        *big.Int  
    GasLimit     uint64     
    Recipient    *common.Address 
    Amount       *big.Int
    Payload      []byte

    // Signature values
    V *big.Int
    R *big.Int
    S *big.Int

    // This is only used when marshaling to JSON.
    Hash *common.Hash `json:"hash" rlp:"-"`

First look at the private txdata The structure defines the necessary content in the transaction message, which corresponds to the transaction data structure mentioned above in sequence. There are three points that need special attention.

  • First, because hash operation is involved, the order of field definition cannot be adjusted at will, and fields must be defined as required under non-special processing conditions. So txdata The fields defined in conform to the content order of Simplechain transaction messages.

  • Second, when monetary calculation is involved, the problem of inaccurate calculation cannot be caused by lack of accuracy. Therefore, in all blockchain designs such as Simplechain and Bitcoin, the currency type is an integer, but the minimum value 1 The value of the currency represented is different. InSimpleChaina sipc is equal to the 18th power Amount of 10. When 10 billion sipcs are to be represented, the Amount is equal to the 27th power of 10. It has far exceeded the range (0-18446744073709551615) that Uint64 can represent. ThereforeSimpleChainall use the large numbers provided by the Go standard package big.Int Perform currency operations and define currencies. Here Price And Amount Both are of the big.Int pointer type. In addition, the three values of the signature also use the big.Int type because the number is too large.

  • The third is the last Hash Field, which is not part of the transaction content, just to include the transaction hash in the transaction JSON. To prevent participation hash, the field is marked rlp:"-" . In addition, Transaction also defines three cache items: Transaction hash, Transaction size, and Transaction sender (from). The cache is used frequently and consumes a large amount of CPU.

Hash operation is the most common operation in a blockchain. Data on all chains is basically involved in hash operation. However, hash operations are CPU intensive, so it is necessary to cache some hash operations to reduce CPU computing. After the transaction hash value is calculated for the first time, the transaction hash is cached on the hash field.

func (tx *Transaction) Hash() common.Hash {
   if hash := tx.hash.Load(); hash != nil {
      return hash.(common.Hash)
   v := rlpHash(tx)
   return v

hash is atomic.Value Type, which is the atomic operation object provided by the Go standard package. This prevents concurrency from causing multiple hash calculations. First, the atom loads the hash value, and returns if it exists. If it does not exist, hash calculation is performed on the transaction (rlpHash, yes SimpleChain),save the hash result and return it.

The second cache is the transaction size. Transaction size refers to the data size after RLP encoding of transaction information. Represents the network transmission size of the transaction, the block size of the transaction, and the storage size of the transaction. When each transaction enters the transaction pool, you must check whether the transaction size exceeds 32KB . When pushing transaction data to other nodes, you must subcontract and push data when the transaction size does not exceed the maximum network message limit (default 10MB). To avoid repeated computing overhead, cache after the first computing.

func (tx *Transaction) Size() common.StorageSize {
   if size := tx.size.Load(); size != nil {
      return size.(common.StorageSize)
   c := writeCounter(0)
   rlp.Encode(&c, &
   return common.StorageSize(c)

As above, execute rlp.Encode Obtain the available data size, cache the result and return it.

rlp is a set of blockchain data encoding and decoding protocols defined by Simplechain, instead of using common gzip, json, and Protobuf encoding formats. The purpose is to compress data as much as possible. After all, there are only several common data types in the blockchain data structure, which can meet the requirements without complicated protocols.

The last cache item is the transaction sender (from). The sender of the transaction performs reverse computation based on the signature, which is also CPU-intensive. In order to ensure the legality of the transaction, the procedure involves taking the address of the transaction sender and verifying the legality of the sender everywhere. Only the correct signature can get the sender's address. Therefore, the transaction sender is also cached.

func Sender(signer Signer, tx *Transaction) (common.Address, error) {
   if sc := tx.from.Load(); sc != nil {
      sigCache := sc.(sigCache) 
      if sigCache.signer.Equal(signer) {
         return sigCache.from, nil

   addr, err := signer.Sender(tx)
   if err != nil {
      return common.Address{}, err
   tx.from.Store(sigCache{signer: signer, from: addr})
   return addr, nil

A special point is needed Signer Unsign and pass Signer Obtains the Sender. If it is valid, it is cached and returned. However, when using the cached content, you also need to check whether the two signers are consistent, because different Signer algorithms are different, and the transaction signers obtained are also different.

Note that the above three cache usage have a precondition: Once a transaction object is created, the transaction content cannot be modified. This is also one of the reasons why the Transaction object is defined separately in the private txdata rather than directly defined in the Transaction. As shown in the following figure, only the transaction object method can be called to obtain the transaction content, and there is no way to modify the content of an existing transaction object.


Transaction object method introduction

In addition to providing external transaction content access, transaction object Transtion also defines some auxiliary methods. Let's introduce the methods in turn.

  1. ChainId() and Protected()

    func (tx *Transaction) ChainId() *big.Int {
     return deriveChainId(
    func (tx *Transaction) Protected() bool {
     return isProtectedV(

From Transaction Signature content VMedium extraction chain ID . It is used to determine the validity of the signature when obtaining the transaction signer, once it is protected Protected() The signature information must contain the current chain ID, otherwise it is an illegal transaction.

  1. RLP interface implementation method

    func (tx *Transaction) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
       return rlp.Encode(w, &
    func (tx *Transaction) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
       _, size, _ := s.Kind()
       err := s.Decode(&
       if err == nil {
       return err

Unlike other object-oriented languages, an object is considered to belong to an interface type as long as it has all methods to implement an interface in Go language. Here, the Transaction implements Encoder And Decoder Two interfaces.

  type Encoder interface {
     EncodeRLP(io.Writer) error
  type Decoder interface {
    DecodeRLP(*Stream) error

This means that RLP encoding and decoding will be performed by two custom methods. RLP encoding decodes transactions. In fact, the transaction content txdata is encoded and decoded. At the same time, the transaction size is cached when the transaction is decoded.

  1. JJSON interface implementation

    func (tx *Transaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
       hash := tx.Hash()
       data :=
       data.Hash = &hash
       return data.MarshalJSON()
    func (tx *Transaction) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
       var dec txdata
       if err := dec.UnmarshalJSON(input); err != nil {
          return err
       withSignature := dec.V.Sign() != 0 || dec.R.Sign() != 0 || dec.S.Sign() != 0
       if withSignature {
          var V byte
          if isProtectedV(dec.V) {
             chainID := deriveChainId(dec.V).Uint64()
             V = byte(dec.V.Uint64() - 35 - 2*chainID)
          } else {
             V = byte(dec.V.Uint64() - 27)
          if !crypto.ValidateSignatureValues(V, dec.R, dec.S, false) {
             return ErrInvalidSig
       *tx = Transaction{data: dec}
       return nil

This is a standard json package encoding and decoding method. It mainly returns JSON format data that meets the requirements when calling web3 APIs. The transaction hash is attached during encoding, and the validity of the signature format is also verified during decoding. The following is an example of complete transaction data in JSON format.

       "nonce": "0x16",
       "gasPrice": "0x2",
       "gas": "0x1",
       "to": "0x0100000000000000000000000000000000000000",
       "value": "0x0",
       "input": "0x616263646566",
       "v": "0x25",
       "r": "0x3c46a1ff9d0dd2129a7f8fbc3e45256d85890d9d63919b42dac1eb8dfa443a32",
       "s": "0x6b2be3f225ae31f7ca18efc08fa403eb73b848359a63cd9fdeb61e1b83407690",
       "hash": "0xb848eb905affc383b4f431f8f9d3676733ea96bcae65638c0ada6e45038fb3a6"

json all numeric fields are expressed in hexadecimal numbers. This is to unify all data formats and serve large numbers of big.Int. The bignumber Library is specially built into the web3js library to process large numbers.

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