Deploy DPOS consensus sub-chain network

1. Genesis block

  "config": {
    "chainId": 10388,
    "dpos": {
      "period": 3,
      "epoch": 300,
      "maxSignersCount": 21,
      "minVoterBalance": 100000000000000000000,
      "genesisTimestamp": 1554004800,
      "signers": [
      "pbft": false,
      "voterReward": true
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x5ca03b40",
  "extraData": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "gasLimit": "0x47b760",
  "difficulty": "0x1",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    "3d50e12fa9c76e4e517cd4ace1b36c453e6a9bcd": {
      "balance": "0x21e19e0c9bab2400000"
    "ef90068860527015097cd031bd2425cb90985a40": {
      "balance": "0x21e19e0c9bab2400000"
    "f97df7fe5e064a9fe4b996141c2d9fb8a3e2b53e": {
      "balance": "0x21e19e0c9bab2400000"
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  • period dpos block-out interval, in seconds
  • epoch How many blocks are there in the dpos interval to regularly clear the votes (after clearing, the voters need to re-initiate the voting transaction)
  • maxSignersCount Maximum number of producers allowed for dpos
  • minVoterBalance The minimum amount of votes allowed by dpos. Unit: Wei
  • voterReward Whether dpos voters can get rewards (if enabled, voters can also get dividends when producers issue blocks)
  • genesisTimestamp dpos allows the initial block output time, and calculates the subsequent block output time and the producer based on this time.
  • signers dpos initial producer list
  • pbft Whether dpos uses pbft to confirm each block after each round of block output
  • alloc dpos initial producer mortgage vote amount

2. Sub-chain initialization process

Method 1. Use sipe to initialize

1.Create or import a producer account

```shell script sipe --datadir=dposdata account new

2.Write the created or imported producer address into genesis.json, and write the initial voting amount at the same time (refer to 1. genesis block)

3.Initialize sub-chain nodes

```shell script
sipe --datadir=dposdata --role=subchain init genesis.json

Method 2. Use the consensus tool to initialize the cluster with one click

in cmd/consensus run under

```shell script cd cmd/consensus ./ --numNodes 3

+ `numNodes` Number of cluster nodes generated

After initialization is completed `cmd/consensus/dposdata` create corresponding node files under the Directory

### 3. Sub-chain startup process

1. Startup node

sipe --datadir=dposdata --mine --etherbase=<生产者地址> --unlock=<生产者地址> --password=<密码文件> --port=30303  --role=subchain --v5disc
  1. Connect to other nodes
sipe --datadir=dposdata --mine --etherbase=<生产者地址> --unlock=<生产者地址> --password=<密码文件> --port=30304  --role=subchain --v5disc --bootnodesv5={enode1} --bootnodesv4={enode1}

4. Votes and proposals

4.1 initiate voting transaction

> eth.sendTransaction({from:"<投票地址>",to:"<被投票地址>",value:0,data:web3.toHex("dpos:1:event:vote")})

4.2 initiate the cancellation of voting transaction

> eth.sendTransaction({from:"<投票地址>",to:"<投票地址>",value:0,data:web3.toHex("dpos:1:event:devote")})

4.3 initiate a proposal to change miner rewards

Change the miner block reward ratio666‰

> eth.sendTransaction({from:"<提案地址>",to:"<提案地址>",value:0,data:web3.toHex("dpos:1:event:proposal:proposal_type:3:mrpt:666")})

4.4 initiate a proposal to change the minimum allowed vote limit

  • Change the minimum allowed vote limit 10 ether
> eth.sendTransaction({from:"<提案地址>",to:"<提案地址>",value:0,data:web3.toHex("dpos:1:event:proposal:proposal_type:6:mvb:10")})

4.5 pass or oppose the proposal

  • yes through the proposal,no objection proposal
> eth.sendTransaction({from:"<投票地址>",to:"<投票地址>",value:0,data:web3.toHex("dpos:1:event:declare:hash:<提案hash值>:decision:yes")})

5. View consensus status

> dpos.getSnapshot()
  • candidates Miner candidate list
  • confirmedNumber Confirmed block height
  • historyHash The block hash of the last two rounds of block output, which is used to calculate the block output order of the producer in the new round.
  • minerReward The reward percentage of each block producer, if enabled voterReward , the rest is the reward of voters
  • signers List producers and block order
  • punished List the punishment information of each producer for not releasing blocks on time
  • tally List the total votes of each candidate
  • votes List voting information
  • voters The height of the block where the voters vote
  • proposals Proposal list

Deploy PBFT consensus sub-chain network

1. Genesis block

  "config": {
    "chainId": 10388,
    "istanbul": {
      "epoch": 30000,
      "policy": 0
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x0",
  "extraData": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f843f83f941c46d10e91eafaac430718df3658b1a496b827bd94b67ee9395542b227c99941eb4168e3f3c6502dd8949d6510b637970085962c908c69e63e9d36a36cb480c0",
  "gasLimit": "0xe0000000",
  "difficulty": "0x1",
  "mixHash": "0x63746963616c2062797a616e74696e65206661756c7420746f6c6572616e6365",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {},
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  • epoch How many blocks are there at pbft intervals to regularly clear votes
  • policy The polling method of pbft proposer: 0 is roundRobin (replaced in order), and 1 is sticky (if the proposer is not wrong, do not replace the proposer)
  • mixHash pbft block shall mixhash specified as 0x63746963616c2062797a616e74696e65206661756c7420746f6c6572616e6365
  • extraData header.extra calculated by the initial pbft producer
  • alloc pbft does not have a block reward currently, so tokens need to be allocated in advance.

2. Sub-chain initialization process

Method 1. Use sipe to initialize

1.Create or import a producer account

```shell script sipe --datadir=pbftdata account new

2.Use the consensus tool to generate extraData and write it to genesis.json (refer to 1. genesis block)

```shell script
cd cmd/consensus
./ --numNodes 1 --validator <生产者地址>

3.Initialize sub-chain nodes

```shell script sipe --datadir=pbftdata --role=subchain init genesis.json

4.Write the node's nodekey to pbftdata/static-nodes.json (the nodekey public key is the producer public key)

#### Method 2. Use the consensus tool to initialize the cluster with one click

Run in the cmd/consensus Directory

 cd cmd/consensus
 ./ --numNodes 3 --ip --port 21001 21002 21003
  • numNodes Number of cluster nodes generated
  • ip List of ip addresses of the specified node (the default ip address is
  • port The list of ports for the specified node. The default port is 21001 ~ 2100x, and x is numNodes.

After initialization is completedcmd/consensus/pbftdataCreate corresponding node files under the Directory

3. Sub-chain startup process

sipe --datadir=pbftdata --istanbul.requesttimeout=10000 --istanbul.blockperiod=5 --syncmode=full --mine --minerthreads=1 --port=21001 --role=subchain
  • port Must be consistent with the enode configured in static-nodes.json
  • istanbul.requesttimeout The expiration time of each view in milliseconds. The default value is 10000.
  • istanbul.blockperiod pbft block output interval, in seconds, the default value is 1

4.View consensus status

```shell script

istanbul.getSnapshot() ```

  • validators pbft Block producer list
  • votes Votes for adding or removing validators
  • tally Total voting situation

Deploy RAFT consensus sub-chain network

1. Genesis block

  "config": {
    "chainId": 10,
    "raft": true
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x0",
  "extraData": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "gasLimit": "0xe0000000",
  "difficulty": "0x0",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    "1e69ebb349e802e25c7eb3b41adb6d18a4ae8591": {
      "balance": "0x21e19e0c9bab2400000"
    "73ce1d55593827ab5a680e750e347bf57485a511": {
      "balance": "0x21e19e0c9bab2400000"
    "b8564a5657fa7dc51605b58f271b5bafad93b984": {
      "balance": "0x21e19e0c9bab2400000"
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  • raft true indicates the use of raft consensus
  • alloc The raft consensus packages blocks only when a transaction exists. Therefore, tokens need to be allocated in advance.

2. Sub-chain initialization process

Method 1. Use sipe to initialize

1.Create or import a producer account

sipe --datadir=raftdata account new

2.Initialize sub-chain nodes

sipe --datadir=raftdata --role=subchain init genesis.json

4.nodekey Write raftdata/static-nodes.json (The nodekey public key is the producer public key)

Method 2. Use the consensus tool to initialize the cluster with one click

under cmd/consensuRun under the

cd cmd/consensus
./ --numNodes 3 --ip --port 21001 21002 21003 --raftport 50401 50402 50403
  • numNodes Number of cluster nodes generated
  • ip List of ip addresses of the specified node (the default ip address is
  • port The list of ports for the specified node. The default port is 21001 ~ 2100x, and x is numNodes.
  • raftport List of raft communication ports for the specified node (the default port is 50401 ~ 5040x, and x is numNodes)

After initialization, the corresponding node file is created in the cmd/consensus/raftdata directory.

3. Sub-chain startup process

sipe --datadir=raftdata --raft --port=21001 --raftport=50401 --role=subchain
  • port Must be consistent with the enode configured in static-nodes.json
  • raft Use raft mode
  • raftport raft port number, which must be consistent with the enode configured in static-nodes.json

4.View consensus status

> istanbul.getSnapshot()
  • validators pbft Block producer list
  • votes Votes for adding or removing validators
  • tally Total voting situation

results matching ""

    No results matching ""