This page provides guidelines for different types of users, allowing developers to quickly find what they need.

If you want to know SimpleChainthe basic concept.

Entering SimpleChain Technical details or in SimpleChainBefore developing smart contracts,first understand SimpleChainBasic concepts andSimpleChainit is helpful to have a thorough understanding. You can learn aboutSimpleChain some basic concepts of account system, economic model and voting process.

If you want to use SimpleChain

Even if you are not a developer, you can joinSimpleChainCommunity and SimpleChainMake contributions to daily operations. You can have a look Browser.

If you are a developer

For developers, there are many materials to help you.

Run and operate SimpleChain

You can choose to run a local single-node network or join SimpleChain network. You can use command line tools to operate SimpleChain.

Intelligent contract development

For smart contract developers, you can refer to the smart contract development section for more information.

We also provide some examples for smart contract developers to describe how to write/deploy/run contracts. Contract Build Tool

Receive test tokens

If you need to test the node during the development process, the RPC port is: , If you need to receive test tokens, the tap address is: faucet

Landing case

This is used SimpleChain a landing case of development.


SDKs and APIs are also provided for developers:

If you are interested in technical details

For those who are interested in technical details, you can learn about the database infrastructure, network layer, and virtual machines. You will be able to understand through these documentsSimpleChain the internal logic


If you have any questions, please feel free Medium, Telegram forum for help.

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